Print Making & More
The Printmaking studio is a community space that allows printmakers, experienced or new, to make professional work,
learn new techniques,and expand their practice with the support of fellow printmakers, shop techs, and instructors.
Upcoming Workshops
Intro to Cyanotye, with Susan Murie
From Photo to Etching – Learn Photogravure, with Ralph Robinson
Collagraph: Plate Making and Printing, with Catarina Coelho
Book Arts Work Room
The Book Arts Workroom at Shepherd & Maudsleigh Studio is a space where artists & printmakers can explore the book from within their practice,as well as a space for professional bookbinders to come and work in a community setting.
Studio News
We’ve E X P A N D E D !
Our Studio has expanded into the other half of our current building, bringing our studio size to a grand total of 11,500 sq. feet! This huge expansion has allowed us to rearrange our previous space as well as add spaces for new offerings. Below is a snapshot of some of the changes and additions that have been happening. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates!
A New, Bigger Silkscreen Room
We have moved our silkscreen room into a larger space! What this means is that now the darkroom, washout booths, printing tables, inks, squeegees, and screens are all in one large, fantastic silkscreen studio.
A Dedicated Classroom
By moving silkscreen into our larger space, it allowed us to have a room that is dedicated to teaching. We’ve filled the room with worktables and ink slabs, and have a dedicated press for that room as well! Check out our workshop listings for a chance to see this space in action.
New Book Arts Workroom
We are so excited to include a fully equipped Book Arts Workshop in our space, so that we can offer Book Artists and professional bookbinders a space to work within our community setting. The Book Arts Workshop will have a variety of Membership options that offer different levels of access to the space. Later in 2024, we will be rolling out courses that specialize in Book Arts!
Papermaking, Cyanotype, Photoetching, Oh my!
We have also dedicated spaces for Papermaking, Cyanotype, and Photoetching. In 2024, we plan to build out more programming around these processes, and provide spaces for artists to hone their skills.
Individual Studios for Visual Artists
Limited studio spots available! We have studios within our building which allow artists to work within their own space, while also being a part of the Shepherd & Maudsleigh community. Please email at [email protected] us with inquiries or to request a tour of our available spaces.