Introduction to Silkscreen with Andrew Palladino
2 days: Saturday & Sunday
September 21st, 22nd, 10 AM – 4 PM
Photogravure, with Ralph Robinson
2 Days: Saturday & Sunday
October 5th & 6th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $400 +$55 materials fee
Framed Accordion Books with Amy Lapidow
1 day: Friday
October 18th, 9 – 12
$120 + $25 materials fee
Fabric Block Printing Weekend Intensive
2 days: Saturday and Sunday
October 19, 20, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Cost: $470 (All materials included in price)
Photoshop for Printmakers (and mixed media, painters, etc.) with Liz Shepherd
Tuesdays, October 15 – November 19th, 10:00 to 11:00 AM
with additional “office hours” TBD, at the convenience of attendees
Suminagashi & Piano Hinge Books with Tony Lemos
2 days, Friday & Saturday
October 25th & 26th, 10 – 4pm
Cost: $290 + $30 materials fee
A Sketchbook in Three Parts, with EJ Youcha
2 days, Saturday & Sunday
November 2nd & 3rd, 10 – 4 PM
Cost: $350
Photogravure with Ralph Robinson
2 Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
November 12th & 13th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $400 +$55 materials fee
Silkscreen for Beginners with Megan Cascella
2 days: Saturday & Sunday
November 16th & 17th, 10 AM – 4 PM
$250 for the two-day session
Rebinding Old Hardcover Books
With Nicoline Meyer
1 day, Saturday
November 16th, 10 – 4 PM
Cost: $170 + $10 material fee
Watercolor Monotype with Megan Cascella
1 Day: Friday
December 13th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $170
Woven Refillable Sketchbooks with Nicoline Meyer
1 day, Saturday, December 14th
10 – 4 PM
Cost: Cost: $170 + $15 material fee
Intro to Cyanotype with Susan Murie
2 Saturday mornings
January 11, 18th, 10 AM – 1 PM
Cost: $175, + $15 materials fee
Problem Solving Cyanotypes with Susan Murie
3 days, Tuesdays
February 11, 18, 25, 10 – 1 PM
Cost: $225, + $15 materials fee
What people are saying about our workshops
“This is an amazingly equipped and organized space.”
“The instructor did a great job describing things and expanding on ideas.”
“Detailed explanations, step by step, lots of time and attention spent on individuals’ projects/ideas.”
“Terrific, very thoughtful and responsive to each member of the group!”
“I loved how Liz explained but encouraged us to experiment and not to be too fussy.”
“What a set-up here in Newton for a printmaker!”