Laurie Sheffield

Artist Biography

Laurie Sheffield is a printmaker, painter and collage artist, focused on landscape, close observation, painterly gesture, and creating narratives through imagery. She earned her BFA and BA at Cornell University in printmaking, painting and English literature, and her MAT at Simmons College. She has done advanced work at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston University, Massachusetts College of Art, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and is part of an online collage community/class through the South Shore Art Center. Along with teaching English in the Brookline Public Schools, Laurie studied printmaking at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education for 20 years and now teaches printmaking at CCAE. Her work has been shown at CCAE, the Cambridge Art Association, the Nave Gallery in Somerville, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, South Shore Art Center, the Brickbottom Artists Building and Shepherd & Maudsleigh Studio .

Artist Statement

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