Liz Shepherd

Artist Statement

I am particularly interested in imagery that springs from the unconscious mind. I pay close attention to my use of metaphors, noticing when the found objects that I am drawn to, correspond to objects and pictures made by people across cultures, particularly those known as “outsider artists”. Although a student of comparative religion, my interest is less about religious doctrine, as it is storytelling.

Artist Biography

Liz Shepherd produces large-scale sculptural installations, which bring to mind ideas about the earthly and the divine. She uses printmaking to enhance objects made of wood or paper. She also produces small, hand pulled print editions. In the past 15 years she has exhibited in the United States and internationally.

Her most recent solo show was The Wait at Boston Sculptor’s Gallery.  Recent solo shows have also been at SG Gallery, Venice, Italy, the Boston Sculptors Gallery and at Simmons College. Her work is the permanent collection at The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The Edinburgh College of Art, Syracuse University, The Boston Children’s Hospital, The Hanoi (Vietnam) Contemporary Art Center and the Bernard Zuckerman Museum of Art in Kennesaw, Georgia as well as numerous corporate and private collections. Originally from New York City, Shepherd now lives in Boston. She received her MFA in 2006 from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, which awarded her the prestigious Traveling Fellowship in 2015.


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